






Whilst growing up in rural Thailand, a young orphan girl is taught the ways of magic by her grandmother. But when grandmother falls sick, Dau is lured to Bangkok to find work so that she can buy medicine. She finds herself working in a go-go bar, and her journey from naiveté to maturity is swift. She uses the magical skills her grandmother taught her to her advantage, but in doing so makes enemies within the bar. As her magic gets darker, and the consequences increasingly horrific, she gradually loses control, and something evil takes over. Written by Paul Spurrier

会昌县| 龙门县| 清涧县| 巴东县| 九江市| 宜兰市| 凤台县| 临漳县| 南雄市| 南阳市| 蛟河市| 明光市| 富平县| 新野县| 阳江市| 蛟河市| 清河县| 合川市| 彭泽县| 同江市| 靖州| 获嘉县| 民勤县| 长寿区| 嘉善县| 钟山县| 宁陵县| 孝感市| 巢湖市| 同心县| 睢宁县| 遵化市| 阿拉善左旗| 保康县| 偃师市| 资阳市| 新巴尔虎左旗| 庄河市| 桐乡市| 双江| 休宁县|